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Displaying 61–72 of 19,278

Genesis Foundation

Genesis Foundation seeks to create a more inclusive society for Colombian children by improving the quality of their education. We enhance programs that provide children in vulnerable life situations with valuable opportunities to develop and achieve a better future.

Asia America Initiative

The mission of AAI is to build hope and empower communities afflicted by armed conflict and severe poverty. We believe that peace, security and respect for human dignity are inseparable. Our goal is to develop programs as sustainable models that can be replicated globally. Our people-to-people initiatives integrate health, education, arts and livelihood as a basis for mediation. By building Hope, we overcome the hatred propagated by terror organizations. The success of these cost-effective models shows that empowering impoverished and conflict-plagued communities strengthens international security, stability and peace.

Kateri Tekakwitha Fund

The Kateri Tekakwitha Fund exists to empower Guatemalan women to break the cycle of poverty by having a positive impact on their lives, families, and communities through collaboration, educational scholarships, and support.

Solar Roots

Provide training and equipment for renewable energy sources in low-income communities and developing nations.

Colorado Haiti Project

Mission Statement: The Colorado Haiti Project works in partnership with rural Haitian communities to support their rise out of extreme poverty. The Colorado Haiti Project (CHP) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 to extend aid to the poorest of the poor in a rural area called Petit Trou de Nippes, about 80 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. CHP is supported entirely by donations from private individuals, local and national foundations, faith communities, and service organizations.

Global Give Back Circle

The Global Give Back Circle integrates Mentoring, Private Sector Engagement and Government and Local Community Support in a 'Circle of Empowerment' that guides an at-risk girl to complete her educational journey, gain employable skills, transition into the workplace and embrace the joys of Citizenship through Giving Back.

Outreach Uganda

Outreach Uganda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado and dedicated to helping empower Ugandans, especially women and children, to rise out of poverty. To do this, we work with village groups in Uganda to bring hope and improve lives, especially in the areas of education, women's empowerment, and self-sufficiency through job creation. Initially, our village groups help support themselves and their families through sales of paper beaded jewelry and other craft items. The beaders save money from their bead sales so they can then start own group or individual businesses to supplement their income and eventually we hope it will be their main source of income. Micro-credit loans from their group's internal revolving loan fund provides additional help for the ladies to either start businesses or further expand their existing businesses to a level that will help them rise above poverty. As an organization, we emphasize to both our donors and our clients that we believe in truly empowering those we help. In everything we do, we seek to be a partner with those we serve so that they do not become dependent on us, and so that we do not take away their spirit of wanting to help themselves. We believe that income-generation of the women, and education of the children is the way that families can truly become empowered. But it is essential to take a holistic approach and focus on multiple areas, all of which impact the woman's income-generation potential. For instance, a woman must be relatively healthy to be a successful business owner. Therefore, we must also help a woman address issues of health. For many of our women in northern Uganda, agriculture and the raising of cash crops will be key to their income generation potential. Therefore, agricultural issues, water issues and even land access and rights become important areas to address.

Girl Determined

Girl Determined is a leadership project designed to assist girls ages 12-17 to avoid the pitfalls of trafficking, dangerous labor and other forms of violence, by facilitating girls' recognition of their personal and group potential. Because of our belief in girls as potential change-agents in their households, communities and nations, our program aims to increase girls' ability to make strategic life-decisions, generate choices and exercise bargaining power. This real empowerment creates opportunities for girls to better cope with their difficulties, envision alternatives and take leadership into their own hands. The underlying premise of Girl Determined work is that educating, connecting, supporting and fostering the development of personal and group voice amongst marginalized adolescent girls will derail cycles of abuse, poverty and neglect. Not only is adolescence a period when girls are gaining abstract thinking skills and sexual awareness, it is a time when they are all too quickly being pressured to take on adult responsibility and this is particularly for girls, resulting in lost growth and development opportunities. The rights of girls in Burma is often regarded as being equal to that of boys and girls rights, in general, is not thought of as a serious issue in the country, despite the fact that the sexual exploitation and the trafficking of young girls to China for forced marriage, for example, continues to increase, or that the so-called "un-wrapping" of girls (selling young, virgin girls into prostitution) continues to take place on the outskirts of Burma's most prosperous cities-Rangoon and Mandalay. This apathy, social acceptance and tolerance of rights violations against girls smacks of an underlying gender discrimination: a discrimination which forces more girls to drop out of school so their male siblings can continue; compels girls to engage in child labour, to support their families income or, more accurately, the short, often paltry economic interests of their parents/household at the expense of the best interest of the child. Girl Determined's work empowers girls to achieve that which is in their own best interest while working structurally to establish mechanisms for greater awareness of the specific needs of adolescent girls, their protection and increasing their life-opportunities. Girl Determined employs a three-pronged strategic approach: 1. Individual transformation - Adolescent girls will go through some form of personal transformation lending to a change in a girl's understanding of personal power and rights. Shifts will include reduction of shame and fear regarding violence, ability to identify and express situations of discrimination, value of self and education, motivation and skill to actively make decisions about ones future. 2. Network mobilization - Girls will develop a sense of connectedness with girls from across the country through their shared experiences and complex differences. By bringing girls together across space, through 'by-girls, for-girls' media projects, Girls' Forum and our Girls Advisory Board, girls will mobilize as defenders and actors. This wide network also creates a structure through which other programs could potentially be realized. 3. Research and Advocacy - Evidence-based research will assist Girl Determined in bringing increased attention to the plight and power of the girl child in Burma. We will focus research and related advocacy domestically, pushing governmental and non-governmental agencies to recognize the specific needs of girls in their programming.

STG International

Our mission is to provide technical, financial and intellectual support, assistance, and training to projects and organizations focused on bringing sustainable energy technologies to communities across the developing world. Critically, access to an affordable, distributed, renewable form of energy generation can improve productivity and quality of life in rural villages, clinics, schools, and organizations without increasing their carbon footprints. We are focused on the development of a solar technology that can be locally customized, manufactured, and distributed to local economies and provide local jobs while extending energy access beyond the traditional electricity grid.

RespectAbility USA

We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to: (1) Reshape the attitudes of society so that people with disabilities can more fully participate in and contribute to society, and (2) Empower people with disabilities to achieve as much of the American Dream as their abilities and efforts permit. RespectAbility was founded to correct and prevent the current disparity of justice for people with disabilities. We are a stronger community when we live up to our values -- when we are welcoming, diverse, moral, and respect one another. People with disabilities and their families have the same hopes and dreams as everyone else, even if they face different challenges. Together we can build a more just and inclusive community where our children, parents, grandparents, and other family and friends with and without disabilities have an equal opportunity to succeed.

One Common Unity

One Common Unity (OCU) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that breaks cycles of violence and builds compassionate, healthy communities through the transformative power of music, arts, and peace education. Youth in Washington, D.C. are four times more likely to die by homicide than by the next closest cause. Students (ages 11-18) in our programs grapple with community violence, crime, poverty, drugs and high rates of incarceration, all of which reinforce cyclical trauma. Structural violence and racism, enforced through housing policies, access to educational opportunities, and an unequal distribution of resources, adds further hurdles to the lives of youth and their families. Building upon their incredible resilience, One Common Unity provides safe, supportive spaces where youth discover their authentic selves, connect with nature, and are equipped with the skills, tools, and support to disrupt cycles of violence and poverty.

Global Girls Inc.

Global Girls mission is to equip girls of color with skills that nurture their individual growth and inspire them to use their talents for positive change in their communities and throughout the world. We provide a safe space where participants learn performance, communication and social/emotional skills. Our curriculum is grounded in positive youth development best practices stemming from research in child and adolescent development. The overwhelming consensus is that youth need the following key assets to thrive and become healthy productive adults: 1. Safe environment 2. Supportive environment 3. Interaction 4. Engagement 5. Youth-centered policies and practices 6. High expectations The lessons helps youth develop critical thinking skills as they investigate their issues and seek solutions. Each program participant acquires dance, acting and story crafting skills while also reinforcing essential habits such as resiliency, empathy, self-discipline and grit. The result is socially conscious, youth-driven theatre that gives voice to participant's issues and concerns.