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They are committed to improving the quality of life for LGBTQ+ people in and around Durham: ● through programming, resources, and networks of support; ● by acting as a hub for Durham's LGBTQ+ community; ● by sharing and affirming all LGBTQ+ lived experiences; and ● by educating our neighbors in order to enhance understanding of and sensitivity to LGBTQ+ issues.
The Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI) has the mission of empowering people who are blind or visually impaired with opportunities to seek independence.
Hudson Pride Connections Center (HPCC) is a home and voice for the diverse LGBTQ community and our allies that advocates for our physical, mental, social and political well-being. We create safe and vibrant spaces to gather and celebrate our lives. HPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental, community organization situated in the Journal Square neighborhood in Jersey City, one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in this country and home to the largest LGBTQ community in New Jersey. Hudson Pride was established in 1993 to serve as an advocate for both the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS communities in Hudson County and more than 20 years later, we are still delivering a wide array of services, programs and events to meet their on-going needs. Our programs and services include LGBTQ support groups for youth, young adults, middle adults and seniors, specialized groups for HIV+ gay men, transgender individuals and women of color, community training and education focused on helping provider agencies to deliver LGBT and HIV competent services, LGBTQ health education, HIV outreach services, social service linkages and advocacy.
In 2000, Episcopal priest Bill Rankin and renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Wilson launched GAIA to increase health equity globally and to bring life-saving treatment to one of the countries most impacted by the AIDS epidemic. Today, with GAIA’s support, Malawi is one of the first African countries to meet UNAIDS 2020 90-90-90 treatment targets, even in the most remote districts with the highest HIV prevalence, where we work. Throughout our history, GAIA has adapted our services to provide compassionate, patient-centered healthcare. We meet the immediate needs of the population by providing community-based health services and health education while also strengthening Malawi's healthcare workforce for the long-term by accelerating health workforce development and promoting equitable deployment of frontline providers. In 2007, GAIA Malawi was formally established as an independent, but closely aligned, entity to the U.S. organization. With its own self-selected Board of Directors and a 100% Malawian staff, GAIA Malawi works closely with GAIA U.S. to design and execute cost-effective program responses to the evolving health needs of Malawi’s rural population. All program interventions are developed with key input from the communities served and executed in partnership with the Government of Malawi, Ministry of Health and Population, and local and international partners. GAIA believes that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, no matter where they live or who they are.
AshaUSA's mission is to provide culturally specific programs to the South Asian community to foster health and harmony in their lives. Formed in July, 2014 in Minnesota, AshaUSA (Asha means hope) is a non-profit organization focused on engaging and empowering South Asian women, men, and children through culturally specific programs and services. Over 3.4 million South Asians (originally from India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) live in the United States out of which about 44,000 live in Minnesota (2010 census). 75% of South Asian Minnesotans are first generation immigrants. The South Asian population in Minnesota has more than doubled since 2000. With the increase in population, challenges associated with acculturation in terms of health, youth development, and family relationships have become more distinct. There is a need for culturally specific programs that proactively address acculturation challenges for the South Asian community in Minnesota.
Founded in 2004 to provide the Deaf equal access to mainstream products, services and amenities through Sign Language TV, media, music and film.
Founded in 2000 by Fr. Thuan and two friends based in San Francisco, CA, the Blind Vietnamese Children Foundation assisted The Lover of the Holy Cross Sisters who had just established Nhat Hong Thi Nghe Home for the Blind in Ho Chi Minh City (1995). Up to the present time with the Foundation’s support the Sisters expanded to nine homes and schools with a total of almost 400 students. The Foundation has also provided funding to maintain the homes, schools, and healthcare centers for visually impaired children administered by other lay or religious groups. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and supported by hundreds of friends who give much of their time and wealth throughout the year to assist in BVCF fundraising efforts. Every year the Foundation organized the benefit luncheons or dinners with silent and live auctions, and raffles. A lively family atmosphere blends different cultures and faiths in a single effort to help our very special children live promising lives in Vietnam.
The Tegan and Sara Foundation fights for health, economic justice and representation for LGBTQ girls and women. This mission is founded on a commitment to feminism and racial, social and gender justice. In partnership and solidarity with other organizations fighting for LGBTQ and women's rights, the Foundation raises awareness and funds to address the inequalities currently preventing LGBTQ girls and women from reaching their full potential. This work is critically important because… LGBTQ women have higher rates of gynecological cancer, depression, obesity, suicide and tobacco/alcohol abuse. Discriminatory laws, provider bias, insurance exclusions and inadequate reproductive health coverage leave 29% of LGBTQ women struggling to pay for health insurance. A quarter of lesbian women live in poverty. LGB women of color are three times more likely to live in poverty than their white peers. Transgender women are four times more likely to have a household income under $10,000 and twice as likely to be unemployed. One in five transgender women has reported being homeless at some point. Less than 1% of TV characters are lesbians. In 2016, 25 queer female characters were killed on-screen – continuing a decades-long trend.
The Speedy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to suicide prevention and ending the stigma associated with mental health through advocacy, conversation, and education.
As a non-profit organization, Upstream believes that smart policies are the best way to create communities that help people lead healthier, fuller lives. We seek out the most innovative, broad-based public health solutions that are backed by science and research, move them into the mainstream dialogue, and build momentum for change. Our goal is to address the most pressing health issues and improve people's wellbeing, one policy at a time.
IMBS, Inc raises money for people struggling with various forms of PTSD by presenting compelling narrative stories and documentaries on film.
Lori Hartwell founded Renal Support Network (RSN) in 1993 to empower people who have kidney disease to become knowledgeable about their illness, proactive in their care, hopeful about their future and make friendships that last a lifetime. Lori was diagnosed in 1968 with kidney failure and knows how important hope, peer connection and knowledge is to survive and thrive with an illness. RSN’s hopeful and life-enriching, non-medical programs help people who have kidney disease and their families, whether they are in the early stages of the disease, are on dialysis, or have received a transplant. People we connect with come to see kidney disease in a totally different light – that although it’s difficult, it is manageable. We help them recognize the need to take control of the course and management of their illness through storytelling. Learning from another patient’s experience and point of wisdom to live successfully and navigate care is vital for success. An Illness is too demanding when you do not have hope. RSN strives to make a lasting and positive difference in the lives of people with kidney disease and ensure that healthcare professionals and regulatory agencies legislative leaders that serve us hear what our needs are to have the best care and health possible.