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Displaying 577–588 of 169,374

Local Church Catalyst

Provide local churches in small villages in India with the means to build water plant that not only provides clean water to drink but also helps building relationships with the lost first and generates income for the Pastor and for the Church, and then strive to meet other needs arise from these relationships such as conducting free medical camps and caring for widows and orphans.

The Johnny Foundation

The Johnny Foundation seeks to raise awareness of depression in the hopes of preventing suicides through fund raising and awareness events and be an encouragement to others as we seek to shine God's light in the darkness that so many people struggle with .

Harvesters Reaching the Nations Inc

Harvesters Reaching the Nations (HRTN) is a Christ-centered organization providing discipleship, education and health care to orphans as well as vulnerable women and children in remote regions of the world. We are working to realize a vision: a world where children are free from spiritual, economic and social poverty so they can better serve their communities as disciples of Christ.

Cumberland Community Church

The Collective at Cumberland is a strategic network of partners from government, business, education, faith and non-faith-based organizations that are dedicated to restoring the community through employment, education and social development.

Operation Street Harvest Inc.

Operation Street Harvest was founded in 1992 by Doctor Tonya Sumner Brown. Our mission is to provide a holistic ministry to the homeless, working, poor, and at risk youth.

Forever Free Outreach Ministries Inc

To offer an opportunity for families struggling with addiction. Regardless of race, gender, national origin, or religious beliefs. To achieve and maintain sobriety and self-sufficiency through personal counseling, financial education & assistance, temporary housing, life management skills, educational service and job placement assistance… with special emphasis on individuals who has be involved with the legal system.

Atlanta Community Ministries Inc

ACM inspiries and equips people to show the love of Christ by using their unique talents to meet the human nad spiritual needs of others.

Spiritual Guidance Temple Of Truth

To establish and maintain a Christian Benevolent Order that provides individuals with spiritual, mental, creative, and emotional tools and keys for helping to raise fallen humanity. The Order will support and provide Divine Philosophies of Truth without regard to denominations. It will provide teaching and worship services that reflect the universality of Divine Truth. Temple Credo • To Love Divine Wisdom Above All Else • To Love Our Neighbors As Ourselves • To Give to the Poor • To Return Good For Evil • To Do Good Unto Other With All Our Wisdom and Strength • To Deny Ourselves in All Respects • To Make Ourselves a Servant of Our Creator • To Look Into Our Souls to Judge Ourselves Constantly to Discover Where and How We Shall Do the Most Good • To Complain Not Against Another for Anything That Happens • To Make Our Neighbors Rejoice in Us • To Be Without Self-righteousness Above Anyone. • To Be a Producer of Good Things

1 St United Methodist Church

The First United Methodist Church in Port Isabel is a Christian congregation serving the local community by seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey. We have a friendly worship atmosphere with a vibrant church family. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We achieve our mission through vital congregations that equip and empower people to be disciples of Jesus Christ in their homes and communities.


The mission of St. John's Children's and Family Outreach is to create a sanctuary for children, youth, and adults where all are loved, supported, affirmed, and assisted to grow into the life God has planned for each.

Destiny Family Christian Center

Destiny exists to lead you to a rich and satisfying life through a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. When you join the family, you will discover that life is better together.

Welcome Ministry

Welcome seeks to provide a faithful response to poverty and to improve the quality of life for individuals in our community through hospitality, the arts, education, food, and referrals.