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VISION: Uplift living standard of poor household MISSION: Economic and social stability to poor families, so society keep progress on development
AHCM is committed to meeting the spiritual and physical needs of vulnerable children in Uganda, through strategic partnership, ministering and undertaking specialized and sustainable child focused initiatives.
Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate is the one-one in Hong Kong that provide support services for patients with cleft lip/palate and their parents / caretakers, as well as pregnant mothers bearing affected babies. We aim to gather the patients and parents in the territory under one roof and provide a wide range of services designed specifically for them to ensure healthy physical and psychological growth of the patients.
Our mission statement is for the Salem Social Village to be 'A place where Global Citizens grow through learning and serving together' - a place where people can come to receive education, get involved in action to help the poor, and find genuine community. Or, put another way, we want to help those who need it most whilst seeing a new generation emerge who will shape Central Asia's future and form part of the solution for the underprivileged across the region.
Insan Association is a Lebanese non-profit organization established in 1998 by a group of Human Rights activists. Insan is independent from any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion, and does not support or oppose any government or political system. We act to protect and promote the rights of the most marginalized individuals, families and children living in Lebanon- such as refugees, migrant workers, asylum seekers and non identities - without any discrimination. The different services and activities of Insan Association reach out to include individuals from different nationalities, cultures, religions and social status. Insan's beneficiaries come from different countries such as: Sudan, Iraq, India, Egypt, Jordan, Kurdish Syrians, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ghana, Bangladesh, originally Lebanese but not registered (non-IDs) and others, all living in Lebanon in very poor and difficult conditions and their children are deprived of most of their basic human rights. Insan pays close attention to children and offers schooling and other kinds of support to underprivileged children, who are neglected by society and suffer from discrimination, extreme poverty or the lack of legal papers. The Insan School accepts migrant children who are otherwise not able to enrol into regular schools as a result of poverty, discrimination, or the lack of appropriate documentation. With its holistic approach Insan does not only provides education but on a case by case basis, offers psychological and social support to the children as well as their parents and families. The organization believes that children have a right to be free from abuses, exploitation and neglect. Children, who benefit from Insan's services, face discrimination, insecurity and poverty - their lives can be unstable and chaotic. The organization is therefore committed to creating a secure environment for them. Insan aims to empower these communities to help themselves and take control of their lives. Insan has a rights-based approach. It believes in the principles of human rights and that respect for human rights can create lasting changes in people's lives and make them reach their full potential by diminishing the causes of poverty and injustice. All of Insan's programmes aim towards the integration of its beneficiaries into the Lebanese society in every possible way.
"Enhancing sustainable human development, with a focus on rights through equal opportunities having an impact on children and the community."
Our mission is to organize the targeted groups- Women, children Youths and marginalized communities against Caste/ Gender in-equality, other social evils and help them to improve their health and economical status. We hope to make them self reliant so that they have a proper participation in the decision-making bodies in the society and are able to enjoy their rights.
FCD has the following missions 1. To educate individual farmers and Self Help Groups (SHG) and provide them with the most accurate data on crop prices, market demands and supplies across the globe through mobile services and at her micro data centers, thus improving wealth creation and employment 2. Bringing out the potentials and skills from individuals and groups for equality and sustainable development through training, mentoring, and provision of seed capitals to farmers through linking them to financial institutions. 3. Creation of a network of partners amongst startups, farmers, donors, angel investors and Diaspora through 24hr online services platforms available for communication.
Community Skills Development is a community humanitarian organization whose mission is to work with the disadvantaged, destitute, the poor and oppressed to foster integral human transformation this we fulfil by the following: TRANSFORMATIONAL DEVELOPMENT; building capacities, empowering the weak, disadvantaged and vulnerable, PROMOTION OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT; by responding to emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; and WORKING WITH COMMUNITY; based organizations, Government Institutions and Churches regardless of Creed, Gender and Tribe
Improve the quality of life for all the community members without any discrimination and to work towards promotion and improvement of socio-economic welfare of everyone in the community including the minority groups such as People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA's), Widows, Widowers, Guardians and Orphaned & Vulnerable Children (OVCs) to meet their basic needs
Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance
Our mission is to empower underserved women and youth in Uganda through socio-economic, health education and leadership development programs, providing access to justice for women and offer menstrual health education for young girls, Creating opportunities while strengthening families and communities. It seeks to offer women leadership and empowerment abilities required to lead successful, dignified lives.