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Holy Trinity Jubilee Park is a non-profit religious organization designed to help in the transformation of families to assist them in developing morally strong, responsible, ethically upright, committed, and faith-filled members of society through interactive, participative, prayerful, and entertaining media.
A new Church plant that was launched in March 2018. our mission is to help everyone encounter God along the way. We are now One Church in Two Locations. Damascus Road Baltimore County and Damascus Road Baltimore City.
San Juan Diego Catholic High School provides highly motivated students the opportunity to earn a Catholic, college preparatory education enriched by participation in a corporate internship program.
PEMA CHOLING INSTITUTE is a residential Buddhist community of 100 women and girls aged 12 - 60 located in the Bumthang region of Bhutan. Many of the women arrive at Pema Choling with little or no education, from families of farmers or road laborers. The center offers basic education, vocational training and the opportunity to pursue traditional Buddhist studies at the highest academic level. Founded in 2000, the Institute contains the first shedra (Buddhist college) for women in the history of Bhutan allowing them to receive traditional education on a par with the greatest Buddhist learning centers for men in all of India and the Himalayas.
Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society was founded by Noah Levine, author of Dharma Punx, Against the Stream, The Heart of the Revolution, and Refuge Recovery to make the teachings of the Buddha available to all who are interested. We wish to create and sustain communities of healthy, accountable, wise and compassionate people from every walk of life. We welcome people from all racial, economic, sexual, social, political and religious backgrounds and believe that the path of awakening is attainable by all and should be available to all. We strive to create a safe environment for all who come to practice.
Providing support to native Christian leaders and their communities in dire need, in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, as well as Indiana, USA.
The mission of Love INC Newberg is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ.
Founded in 1991 to train the trainers of youth ministry throughout the world through formal and informal methods using foundation biblical principles.
Journey Center of Chicago is a safe, welcoming place for all, a place where one can be genuinely heard and valued, and a place to experience healing, wholeness, and a deeper awareness of God. We offer services and workshops related to body, mind, and soul for that purpose.
As received by the General Overseer (G.O.), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and communicated to the Headquarters leaders, our vision and mission statement shall remain intact, with a qualifying addendum in view of the peculiarity of the demography in the North American region. They are as follows: 1. To make heaven. 2. To take as many people with us. 3. To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations. 4. To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle. 5. To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developing countries and within thirty minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries. 6. We will pursue these objectives until every Nation in the world is reached for the Lord Jesus Christ.
We exist simply to give the children of Haiti a possibility of a future and stop the repetition of the poverty cycle. We do this be focusing on the community of DeMontruiel in Jacmel, Haiti. We offer them: *Spiritual Development *Education *Proper Nutrition