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SPHOORTI is a non-profit organization working for underprivileged children - orphaned, abandoned, destitute and other vulnerable groups. Our mission is to change lives of such children - by providing them with long-term care. This includes basic needs, education and healthcare, and skills necessary to transform them into responsible citizens. We are based in Hyderabad and have three Childrens' Homes (all in the same locality) - two for boys and one for girls. We also have a separate facility for cooking and dining. The total strength of children in our premises is 200.
Provide education for orphans and other vulnerable children. Equip women and female youth with vocational and handiwork skills. Develop social support systems for orphans, other vulnerable children, and women. Foster prevention education about communicable diseases, such HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, as well as care and support for those afflicted with long-term illness. Research children's and women's rights, adult education, and literacy training. Investigate policies covering orphans,
To promote and bring about amicable change, emphasise togetherness and co operation amongst individuals in order to bring about a positive transformation of the community and as a result reducing ignorance, poverty levels, conflicts and corruption within the society, as well as introducing a healthy and manageable society within the state, and ensuring sustainable environmental management.
To create and implement programs which contribute to sustainable human development in order to allow individuals to take control of their own health, productivity, and lives.
"Creation of a free society without existing exploitation, oppression and deprivations between people to people in the name of caste, creed, religious, color, gender and race through sustainable empowerment of community / concern people on gender, human rights, economic, environment, traditional and cultural rights" is VISION "Rights and development of Dalit, Tribe, women, children, aged, widows and other disadvantaged people " is main objective
MISSION The Ark strives to create empowering spaces for individuals to rise above gender inequality, violence and oppression. This is achieved through advocacy, training, public education and service delivery.
To verify the presence of the missing girls and investigate presence of minor girls in the brothels. To Rescue the girl along with all girls willing to be rescued,To provide safe shelter and balanced nutrition to the girls, To provide complete health care including HIV treatment to the girls, To provide vocational training to the girls so that they can sustain themselves. To provide psycho-social counseling at every stage for regenerating their faith in mankind and increasing their will power.
Awamaki collaborates with the greater Ollantaytambo community to create economic opportunities and improve social well-being.
Mission of VOICE Trust is to increase conviction for the economically - socially - educationally disadvantaged children, women/men farmers, employed youth, Disabled Persons and other Weaker Sections that nature centric ways in life empowers and to join in ecological biodiversity enhancement, protection of environmental resources and empowerments in education, employment and sustainability spheres.
The Mission of SERUDS is to promote socio, economic, health, education and culture through participatory approach focusing children, adolescents and women, who are being deprived and oppressed in the society. VIsion: The vision of SERUDS is to mitigate the sufferings, turmoil, trails & tribulations of deprived and downtrodden sections of the society to ensure equity, empowerment and justice.
Turning Point is a Christian charity working in the Nairobi slums. Our mission is to demonstrate God's heart for the poor through programmes that relieve poverty, transform lives and restore hope amongst vulnerable children and their families.We offer a holistic range of programmes which provide children with access to education, healthcare and regular meals, in addition to providing them with psycho-social support. We also operate pioneering prevention projects aimed at supporting families.
Kranti empowers girls from Mumbai's red-light areas to become agents of social change.